Könyvelői pozíció Az Adveropia Kft ambiciózus, fiatalos munkatársat keres könyvelő munkakörbe. Feladatok : Kiadások nyomon követése Beérkező pénzösszegek kezelése Biztosítani, hogy a vásárlói rendelések kifizetésre kerüljenek A dolgozók bérének számítása (a kiadások, levonások figyelembevételével ) A különböző hirdetési felületek (Google adwords, facebook, yahoo ) költségeinek nyomon követése Riportok készítése…
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The 5 Daily Essentials for Building a Successful Online Business
When you look at the statistics of how many people log onto the Internet or social media, you get excited. Never has there been a time with so much opportunity concentrated in one place. Today, you don’t have to send your direct mail flyers or pay for ads in newspapers. Today, you can pay for…
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5 min read You Can Have the Best Website Ever, But It Won’t Be a Successful Business Without Customers
We live in a time that allows us unparalleled access. Every day, billions of people log onto the Internet and social media. Never has there been a time that allows entrepreneurs to connect with, and market to, such a large audience in one place. Starting a business online and growing it to sustainable income is…
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10 Ways You Can Gain Trust Online
Trust is one of the most challenging things to earn and the easiest to break. When you’re first starting to build your brand, gaining the trust of your prospective new clients and keeping the trust of your current clients is life or death for your business. When you add the extra dimension of building trust online,…
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